Working with pytest on PyTorch


To run the code in this post yourself, make sure you have torch, ipytest>0.9, and the plugin to be introduced pytest-pytorch installed.

pip install torch 'ipytest>0.9' pytest-pytorch

Before we start testing, we need to configure ipytest. We use the ipytest.autoconfig() as base and add some pytest CLI flags in order to get a concise output.

In [1]:
import ipytest


default_flags = ("--quiet", "--disable-warnings")

def _configure_ipytest(*additional_flags, collect_only=False):
    addopts = list(default_flags)
    if collect_only:

def enable_pytest_pytorch(collect_only=False):
def disable_pytest_pytorch(collect_only=False):
    _configure_ipytest("--disable-pytest-pytorch", collect_only=collect_only)

If you work on PyTorch and like pytest you may have noticed that you cannot run some tests in the test suite using the default pytest double colon syntax {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_bar.

In [2]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_bar

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import instantiate_device_type_tests

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_bar(self, device):
        assert False, "Don't worry, this is supposed to happen!"

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for=["cpu"])
1 warning in 0.01s
ERROR: not found: /home/user/
(no name '/home/user/' in any of [<Module>])

If the absence of this very basic pytest feature has ever been the source of frustration for you, you don't need to worry anymore. By installing the pytest-pytorch plugin with

pip install pytest-pytorch


conda install -c conda-forge pytest-pytorch

you get the default pytest experience back even if your workflow involves running tests from within your IDE!

In [3]:
In [4]:
%%run_pytest {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_bar
F                                                                        [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________ TestFooCPU.test_bar_cpu ____________________________

self = <__main__.TestFooCPU testMethod=test_bar_cpu>, device = 'cpu'

    def test_bar(self, device):
>       assert False, "Don't worry, this is supposed to happen!"
E       AssertionError: Don't worry, this is supposed to happen!
E       assert False

<ipython-input-2-f22a5e9e7b30>:7: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED - AssertionError: Don't worry...
1 failed, 1 warning in 0.17s

As you can see, with pytest-pytorch enabled, pytest ran the correct test but collected it under a different name. In this post we are going to find out why this is happening and what pytest-pytorch does to make your life easier.

PyTorch test generation

PyTorch has an extensive test suite with a lot of configuration options and auto-generated tests. Internally, PyTorch uses a TestCase class that is derived from unittest.TestCase. In the first part of the post we are going to explore how the auto-generation of tests works in the PyTorch test suite and how they are collected by pytest.

In its default definition PyTorch's TestCase behaves exactly like its base class with regards to test collection.

In [5]:
In [6]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_bar(self):

    def test_baz(self):

2 tests collected in 0.04s

Device parametrization

Most TestCase's use additional configuration, though. In PyTorch, most operations can be performed on other device's than the CPU, for example a GPU. Thus, to not repeat yourself by writing the same test for multiple device's, the possible devices are used as parameters for the test. In PyTorch this is done with the instantiate_device_type_tests function.

In [7]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import instantiate_device_type_tests

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_bar(self, device):

    def test_baz(self, device):

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for=["cpu", "cuda"])

4 tests collected in 0.01s

As the name implies, instantiate_device_type_tests uses the passed test case as template to instantiate new test cases from it for the different device's. In this process the names of test cases as well as its test functions are changed:

  • The test case is namespaced by postfixing the device name in uppercase letters (TestFooTestFooCPU)
  • Each test function is namespaced by postfixing the device name in lower case letters and an additional underscore as separator (test_bartest_bar_cpu)

After the instatiation, the current tested device is supplied to each test function.

We are glossing over many details here, two of which I should at least mention:

  1. Although it looks like only the test functions need to be parametrized, the parametrized test cases perform different setup and teardown on a per-device basis.
  2. There are many decorators available that allow to adapt the device parametrization on a per-function basis.

Data type parametrization

In the same spirit as the device parametrizations, most PyTorch operators support a plethora of data types (dtype's in short). We can parametrize a test function with the @dtypes decorator, after which the dtype is available as parameter. Note that we can only use the @dtypes decorator if templating is enabled, which means that we have to use instantiate_device_type_tests.

In [8]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}

import torch

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import (

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    @dtypes(torch.int32, torch.float32)
    def test_bar(self, device, dtype):

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for="cpu")

2 tests collected in 0.01s

Similar to the device parametrization, the dtype name is postfixed to the name of the test function after the device (test_bartest_bar_cpu_float32). Since there is no need for special setup or teardown on a per-dtype basis, the test case is not instatiatied for different dtype's (TestFooTestFooCPU).

Again, there are more decorators available for granular control, but they go beyond the scope of this post.

Operator parametrization

A recent addition to the PyTorch test suite is the OpInfo class. It carries the meta data of an operator such as per-device supported dtype's or an optional reference function from another library. Going through all options would facilitate a blog post on its own, so we are going to stick to the basics here.

OpInfo's enable even less duplicated code. For example, the test structure for checking an operator against a reference implementation is operator-agnostic. To parametrize a test function, we use the @ops decorator. We define our own op_db here, but in the PyTorch test suite there are pre-defined databases, for different operator types such as unary or binary operators. Again, note that we can only use the @ops decorator if templating is enabled, which means that we have to use instantiate_device_type_tests.

In [9]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}

import torch

from torch.testing import _dispatch_dtypes
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import (
from torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations import OpInfo
from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase

op_db = [
    OpInfo("add", dtypesIfCPU=_dispatch_dtypes([torch.int32])), 
    OpInfo("sub", dtypesIfCPU=_dispatch_dtypes([torch.float32])),

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_bar(self, device, dtype, op):

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for="cpu")

2 tests collected in 0.04s

In contrast to the dtype, the op name is placed before the device identifier in the name of a test function (test_bartest_bar_add_cpu_int32). Still, no special setup or teardown is needed on a per-op basis, so the test case is only instantiated for the device (TestFooTestFooCPU).

pytest "equivalent"

From a pytest perspective, the PyTorch test generation is "equivalent" to using the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator. Of course this ignores all the gory details, which makes it seem easier than it is. Still, it might be a good mental analogy for someone coming from a pytest background.

In [10]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}

import pytest

import torch

@pytest.mark.parametrize("device", ["cpu"])
class TestFoo:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [pytest.param(torch.float32, id="float32")])
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ["add", "sub"])
    def test_bar(self, device, dtype, op):

2 tests collected in 0.00s

So far we looked at the test generation in the PyTorch test suite and how the tests are collected by pytest. Although PyTorch uses a different parametrization scheme than pytest, it is 100% compatible. The problems only materialize if you want select a specific test case or test function rather than say a whole module or the complete test suite.

PyTorch test selection with pytest

As we observed above, pytest's default double colon :: notation, does not work on tests instantiated by PyTorch's test suite.

In [11]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_bar

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import instantiate_device_type_tests

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_bar(self, device):
    def test_baz(self, device):

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for=["cpu"])
no tests collected in 0.01s
ERROR: not found: /home/user/
(no name '/home/user/' in any of [<Module>])

Equipped with the knowledge we gathered about the instantiation, it is easy to see why this is happening.

In [12]:
%%run_pytest {MODULE}


2 tests collected in 0.01s

pytest searches for the test case TestFoo with the test function test_bar, but can't find them, because instantiate_device_type_tests renamed them to TestFooCPU and test_bar_cpu. However, the test is selectable by its new, instantiated name {MODULE}::TestFooCPU::test_bar_cpu

In [13]:
%%run_pytest {MODULE}::TestFooCPU::test_bar_cpu

1 test collected in 0.04s

From a convenience standpoint this is not optimal, because we need to remember the naming scheme. Furthermore, we can only select a specific parametrization rather than running a test case or a test function against all available parametrizations. The usual way around this is to rely on the pytest -k flag to do a pattern matching.

In [14]:
%%run_pytest {MODULE} -k "TestFoo and test_bar"

1/2 tests collected (1 deselected) in 0.01s

In contrast to the default pytest practice we need to include the names of the test case and test function in the pattern rather than only the parametrization we want to select. This brings its own set of problems with it, for example if test cases or test functions use names that build on top of each other. Since the selection pattern does not support regular expression matching, it can get verbose and confusing.

In [15]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE} -k "TestFoo and not TestFooBar and test_spam and not test_spam_ham"

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import instantiate_device_type_tests

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_spam(self, device):
    def test_spam_ham(self, device):

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for="cpu")
class TestFooBar(TestCase):
    def test_spam(self, device):

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFooBar, globals(), only_for="cpu")

1/3 tests collected (2 deselected) in 0.01s


Introducing: pytest-pytorch. After its installation and without any configuration, we get the default pytest experience back. Thus, even in complicated naming situations we can simply select a test with the double colon notation {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_spam

In [16]:
In [17]:
%%run_pytest {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_spam

1 test collected in 0.05s

Of course we can still use the pytest -k flag to select a specific parametrization.

In [18]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_bar -k "cuda"

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import instantiate_device_type_tests

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_bar(self, device):

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for=["cpu", "cuda"])

1/2 tests collected (1 deselected) in 0.02s

Handwaving over details pytest-pytorch achieves this by hooking into pytest's test collection and performing the matching of the instantiated to the template name for you. If that sounds intruiging, have a look at the GitHub repository.

IDEs with pytest support

Another use case for pytest-pytorch are modern Python IDEs such as PyCharm or VSCode with built-in pytest support. Within such an IDE you can run a test by clicking a button next to its definition without dropping into a terminal. Doing this, you also get the comfort of the IDE including the debugger.

This feature relies on the test selection with the default pytest syntax, which, as we have seen above, does not work well with the PyTorch test suite. You could fiddle with your IDEs default test runner config or you could simply install pytest-pytorch to make it work out of the box.


In this post we took a look at how the PyTorch test suite auto-generates device-, dtype-, and even operator-agnostic tests. Although it uses a different scheme than pytest, the tests can still be collected and run by it. The compatibility breaks down, if one tries to use the default pytest selection notation. To overcome this and in turn enhance the developer experience we introduced the pytest-pytorch plugin. It can for example be used to regain out-of-the-box pytest support in modern IDEs when working on PyTorch.
