Planned architectural work for PyData/Sparse

What have we been doing so far? πŸ€”

Research πŸ“š

A lot of behind the scenes work has been taking place on PyData/Sparse. Not so much in terms of code, more in terms of research and community/team building. I've more-or-less decided to use the structure and the research behind the Tensor Algebra Compiler, the work of Fredrik Kjolstad and his collaborators at MIT. πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ To this end, I've read/watched the following talks and papers:

A bit heavy, so don't feel obliged to go through them. πŸ˜‰

Resources πŸ‘₯

I've also had conversations with Ralf Gommers about getting someone experienced in Computer Science on board, as a lot of this work is very heavy on Computer Science.

Strategy 🦾

The original TACO compiler requires a compiler at runtime, which isn't ideal for many users. However, what's nice is that we have Numba as a Python package. One, instead of emitting C code, can emit Python AST to be transpiled to LLVM by Numba, and then to machine code. I settled on this after researching Cppyy, which also requires a compiler, and pybind11, which wouldn't work as TACO itself is built to require a compiler.

The above warrants some explanation as to why exactly we're following this pattern. See, TACO is based on the fact that many popular matrix formats can be created using just a few per-dimension formats. The advantage behind this is that one can create highly efficient code from just a few building blocks (albeit some hard-to-understand ones) for a lot of different formats. The downside is, one needs to do some code generation (the original TACO emits C code). In Python-land, one could emit source code or AST, with the latter being easier to debug and with guaranteed syntatical correctness. This is the reason I decided to go with AST.

API Changes πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

I'd also like to invite anyone who's interested into the discussion about API changes. The discussion can be found in this issue, but essentially, we're planning on moving to a lazy model for an asymptotically better runtime performance. We decided not to go and break backwards compatibility and essentially decided to have a separate submodule for this kind of work, then calling .compute() similar to Dask at the end.

So what does this mean for the user? πŸ˜•

Why, support for a lot more operations across a lot more formats, really. πŸ˜„ And don't forget the performance. πŸš€ With the downside being lazy operations a-la Dask.
