metadsl: A Framework for Domain Specific Languages in Python

metadsl: A Framework for Domain Specific Languages in Python

Hello, my name is Saul Shanabrook and for the past year or so I have been at Quansight exploring the array computing ecosystem. This started with working on the xnd project, a set of low level primitives to help build cross platform NumPy-like APIs, and then started exploring Lenore Mullin's work on a mathematics of arrays. After spending quite a bit of time working on an integrated solution built on these concepts, I decided to step back to try to generalize and simplify the core concepts. The trickiest part was not actually compiling mathematical descriptions of array operations in Python, but figuring out how to make it useful to existing users. To do this, we need to meet users where they are at, which is with the APIs they are already familiar with, like numpy. The goal of metadsl is to make it easier to tackle parts of this problem seperately so that we can collaborate on tackling it together.

Libraries for Scientific Computing

Much of the recent rise of Python's popularity is due to its usage for scientific computing and machine learning. This work is built on different frameworks, like Pandas, NumPy, Tensorflow, and scikit-learn. Each of these are meant to be used from Python, but have their own concepts and abstractions to learn on top of the core language, so we can look at them as Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). As the ecosystem has matured, we are now demanding more flexibility for how these languages are executed. Dask gives us a way to write Pandas or NumPy and execute it across many cores or computers, Ibis allows us to write Pandas but on a SQL database, with CuPy we can execute NumPy on our GPU, and with Numba we can optimize our NumPy expession on a CPU or GPU. These projects prove that it is possible to write optimizing compilers that target varying hardware paradigms for existing Python numeric APIs. However, this isn't straightforward and these projects success is a testament to the perserverence and ingenuity of the authors. We need to make it easy to add reusable optimizations to libraries like these, so that we can support the latest hardware and compiler optimizations from Python. metadsl is meant to be a place to come together to build a framework for DSLs in Python. It provides a way to seperate the user experience from the the specific of execution, to enable consistency and flexibility for users. In this post, I will go through an example of creating a very basic DSL. It will not use the metadsl library, but will created in the same style as metadsl to illustrate its basic principles.

A simple DSL

We will create a simple language allowing you to add and multiply numbers and check if they are equal or greater than each other. The values will either be Python integers/booleans or strings representing abstract variables. We can represent our operations as Python functions, because they all take in some number of arguments and return a value:

In [1]:
def add(a, b):

def mult(a, b):

def equal(a, b):

def gt(a, b):

We can also represent our constructors as functions:

In [2]:
def from_int(i):

def from_str(s):

But what types should these functions return? Our goal here is build up the computation before we decide how to execute it, so each expression is defined by the operation and its arguments:

In [3]:
import dataclasses
import typing

class Expression:
    function: typing.Callable
    arguments: typing.Tuple
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.function.__qualname__}({', '.join(map(repr, self.arguments))})"

We can create an expression that adds the two variables "a" and "b":

In [4]:
a = Expression(from_str, ("a",))
b = Expression(from_str, ("b",))

Expression(add, (a, b))
add(from_str('a'), from_str('b'))

It would be more natural to be able to call the functions themselves to build up expressions. So let's rewrite the functions so they return expressions:

In [5]:
def from_str(s):
    return Expression(from_str, (s,))

def add(a, b):
    return Expression(add, (a, b))

add(from_str("a"), from_str("b"))
add(from_str('a'), from_str('b'))

You might notice that we are actually repeating ourselves a bit here. In each function, we repeat the function name and the argument names. Instead of having to do this for each function, which is error prone, tendious, and ugly, we can create a decorator that does it for us. We create a decorator called expression that takes in the initial function and returns a new one that creates an Expression object with that function and the arguments passed in:

In [1]:
import functools

def expression(fn):

    def expression_inner(*args, fn=fn):
        return Expression(fn, args)

    return expression_inner

Now we can rewrite our expression functions with this decorator in a concise way:

In [ ]:
def add(a, b):

def mult(a, b):

def equal(a, b):

def gt(a, b):
def from_int(i):

def from_str(s):

We now have a concise way of defining operations that has a Pythonic API:

In [7]:
mult(from_str("a"), from_str("b"))
mult(from_str('a'), from_str('b'))

Adding Typing

Now we can build up these expressions naturally, but there are some expressions that should not be allowed, for example:

In [8]:
some_bool = equal(from_str("a"), from_str("b"))

mult(some_bool, some_bool)
mult(equal(from_str('a'), from_str('b')), equal(from_str('a'), from_str('b')))

We don't want to allow multiplying booleans in our language, only numbers. So this brings us to types. Types gives us an explicit and succinct way to restrict all the possible expressions to a subset that we consider meaningful or valid. Simple types can't eliminate all errors (like dividing by zero), but they can give us some guide posts for what is allowed. They also provide us with a mental model of our domain. So how do we add types? Let's subclass Expression for the two types we have defined.

In [9]:
class Boolean(Expression):

class Number(Expression):

Now we can also define our operations as Python's dunder methods, allowing us to use the + and * infix operators instead of requiring functions. However, you might notice that now our expression function is no longer valid. We don't want to return an Expression anymore, but either a Boolean or Number. So we can rewrite our expression function to first take in an expression_type argument, then return a decorator for that expression type:

In [10]:
def expression(expression_type):

    def expression_inner(fn, fn=fn, expression_type=expression_type):
        def expression_inner_inner(*args, fn=fn):
            return expression_type(fn, args)

        return expression_inner_inner

    return expression_inner

And we can add our dunder methods to the types:

In [13]:
class Number(Expression):
    def __add__(self, other: Number) -> Number:
    def __mul__(self, other: Number) -> Number:
    def __eq__(self, other: Number) -> Boolean:

    def __gt__(self, other: Number) -> Boolean:
    def from_int(i: int) -> Number:

    def from_str(s: str) -> Number:
In [14]:
(Number.from_int(10) + Number.from_str("A")) == Number.from_int(10)
Number.__eq__(Number.from_int(10), Number.__add__(Number.from_int(10), Number.from_str('A')))

Next Steps

So now we have created a lightweight way to represent this DSL in Python that supports static type analysis by MyPy (or other tools). The Expression class we have defined here is conceptual core of metadsl. On top of this, metadsl provides:

  • A type safe way to define replacements on this graph and a system to apply replacements repeatedly to allow execution/compilation. This would allow us to actually evaluate this DSL in some way or optimize it.
  • A way to create "wrapper" classes that also build up expression graphs, but can take in regular Python objects. This would allow us to add an Number to an int, instead of first having to call from_int on it.

We are working towards representing the full NumPy API faithfully to support translating it to other APIs, like that of Torch or Tensorflow, and also optimize it with the Mathematics of Arrays formalism. We are actively looking for other projects that this effort would be useful for and welcome any collaboration. Feel free to raise an issue on our Github repo, or reach our to me directly at to set up a time to chat more in depth. Nothing here is set in stone. It is just a couple of ideas that we have found useful as we explore this space. While it is by no means a complete solution we hope it can be a meeting place to grow this concept to suit the needs of the Python community.
